
Request Parameters:

NameTypeDescriptionRequired?Default Value
idstring (<= 32)Item SKUYes
descstring (<= 255)Item DescriptionYes
amtfloatItem Unit Price/Amount (item unit amount is multiplied by item quantity to calculate the item total)Yes
qtyintItem QuantityNo11
hide_qtybooleanSet to 'true' to hide item quantity for display purposes if quantity is not applicable for the itemNo1false
is_pledgebooleanSet to 'true' to have the software treat the item amount as a total pledge amount and work backwards to figure out what the recurring installment amounts should beNo1false
amt_todayfloatDifferent amount to charge today from the regular installment amount; omit or set to 0 to charge regular installment amount today3No10
first_charge_datedateWhen to process the charge for this item (defaults to today); max 6 monthsNo12024-12-26
recur_first_charge_datedateWhen to process the first follow-on charge for this item3No1
recur_freqint0 (One Time), 1 (Weekly), 2 (Every Other Week), 3 (Monthly), 4 (Quarterly), 5 (Half-Yearly), 6 (Yearly)No10
recur_end_criteriaint02 (Ongoing), 1 (End After Number of Payments), 22 (End After Total Amount Paid), 3 (End By Given Date)3No10
recur_end_valuestring (<= 18)if 'recur_end_criteria' == 1 then int (number of payments to process), if 'recur_end_criteria' == 2 then float (total amount to process), if 'recur_end_criteria' == 3 then date (date to end processing)3No1
sub_id1string (<= 64)Item Sub IDNo1
sub_id2string (<= 64)Item Sub IDNo1
sub_id3string (<= 64)Item Sub IDNo1
sub_id4string (<= 64)Item Sub IDNo1
sub_id5string (<= 64)Item Sub IDNo1
sub_id6string (<= 64)Item Sub IDNo1
sub_id7string (<= 64)Item Sub IDNo1

1 Optional parameters should be omitted from the request if not used
2 Parameter/value is invalid for pledge items
3 Parameter is only valid for recurring items